Wikipedia - Naft Al-Basra SC

Naft Al-Basra SC (Arabic: نادي نفط البصرة الرياضي, lit. 'Basra Oil Sports Club') is a professional football club based in Al-Tamimia District, Basra, Iraq, that plays in Iraq Stars League.


Name changes

The club was founded on 27 November 1979 as "Naft Al-Junoob", before changing to the name "Al-Rumaila" on 6 March 1990, and returned to the name "Naft Al-Junoob" on 20 April 2003, the club played in Iraqi Premier League at the 2004–05 season for the first time.

On October 23, 2020, the club's management, which was elected a few days prior, decided to change the name of the club from "Naft Al-Junoob" to "Naft Al-Basra" and officially announced this, as they changed the logo.

纳夫特巴士拉足球俱乐部(阿拉伯语:نادي نفط البصرة‎)是伊拉克足球超级联赛中的一家足球俱乐部,主场位于巴士拉省足球场。球队成立于1979年,以其石油工业而闻名。纳夫特巴士拉足球俱乐部在伊拉克足球界享有盛誉,曾多次赢得伊拉克足球超级联赛冠军和伊拉克足协杯冠军。球队以其攻势足球和顽强的防守而著称,深受球迷喜爱。纳夫特巴士拉足球俱乐部还曾代表伊拉克参加过亚冠联赛,并在2016年打入亚冠联赛决赛,最终惜败于日本球队鹿岛鹿角足球俱乐部。