巴西赛事 06/11 23:00 1 圣雷姆恩多RR v 嘎·桑帕约 - 查看

Grêmio Atlético Sampaio, commonly known as GAS, is a Brazilian football club based in Caracaraí, Roraima state. They competed in the Série C once.

GAS is currently ranked third among Roraima teams in CBF's national club ranking at 157th place overall. They are the best placed team in the state from outside capital Boa Vista.


The club was founded on June 11, 1965 in Boa Vista, Roraima. They competed in the Série C in 1996, when they were eliminated in the First Stage of the competition.

In 2018 they started a partnership, therefore they moved to Caracaraí.

加·桑帕约足球俱乐部(俱乐部全称:Clube de Regatas do Flamengo,缩写:CR Flamengo),是巴西的足球俱乐部,主场位于里约热内卢。该队是巴西最受欢迎的足球队,拥有数百万拥趸,被称为“红黑军团”,是一家为巴西足球贡献最多的俱乐部之一。加·桑帕约是巴西七个参加过所有巴西足球甲级联赛的球队之一。