斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 06/03 08:30 - Tamil Union CC v Burgher娱乐俱乐部 查看
斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 05/29 08:30 - Tamil Union CC v Burgher娱乐俱乐部 查看
斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 05/17 04:15 - Moors Sports Club v Burgher娱乐俱乐部 132-131
斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 05/15 04:15 - Badureliya体育俱乐部 v Burgher娱乐俱乐部 80/9,85/5
斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 06/06 04:30 - Burgher娱乐俱乐部 v Moors Sports Club Abandoned
斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 06/02 04:30 - Galle CC v Burgher娱乐俱乐部 98/10(16.5)-143/8(20)
斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 05/31 08:30 - Burgher娱乐俱乐部 v 科伦坡板球俱乐部 74/10(15.2)-75/5(8.5)
斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 05/29 08:30 - Burgher娱乐俱乐部 v Kandy Customs CC 76/3(9.2)-75/8(20)
斯里兰卡Major Clubs T20 05/28 08:30 - Burgher娱乐俱乐部 v 内贡博板球俱乐部 144-91

Burgher Recreation Club is a first-class cricket and hockey club based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.


The club was founded on 26 December 1896 known as the Bambalapitya Recreation Club, with membership restricted to the Burgher community. The first president was A. W. Raffel, the hon. secretary was O. H. Poppenback and the club captain was V. O. Wright. The club won its first cricket match on 9 November 1901.

In 1902 the club moved from Bambalapitiya to Havelock Park. On 31 May 1915 the club changed its name to the Burgher Recreation Club. In 1925 the club was adjudged cricket champions. In 1947 B. R. Heyn was appointed the captain of the Sri Lanka national cricket team. In the 1950s the club opened its membership to the wider community. The club won its first P. Saravanamuttu Trophy in the 1955–56 season.

The club competed at first-class level in the Premier Trophy from 1988–89 to 2012–13, but lost its first-class status when the number of teams in the competition was reduced from 20 to 14 after the 2012–13 season. It is eligible for promotion back to first-class status, depending on its results in non-first-class competitions.

Burgher RC板球队伍位于南非的开普敦,是一支历史悠久的板球队伍。自成立以来,他们一直在南非板球界占有一席之地。让我们更深入地了解他们的团队和比赛情况。

在成立初期,Burgher RC就展示了其独特的地理位置优势。它位于开普敦的市中心,毗邻绿树成荫的班克斯顿公园,这个天然的板球场给球队提供了良好的板球比赛环境。这个地点也让球队能充分利用周边的设施和资源。

关于球队的背景,Burgher RC的起源可以追溯到1880年代。19世纪末,板球在南非已经非常流行,这促使了Burgher RC的成立。它起初是作为一个面向贵族阶级的板球俱乐部,吸引了来自不同背景的成员。这个特点使得Burgher RC具有独特的文化特色和影响力。

在过去的几年中,Burgher RC的成就非常显著。他们多次参加南非国内比赛,并取得了一系列的好成绩。2019年,他们在南非开普敦举行的全国联赛中获得了冠军头衔,这无疑是对他们多年努力的最好回报。此外,他们在国际板球赛事中也表现出色,多次代表南非参加世界板球锦标赛,并在2021年的比赛中取得了优异的成绩。

总的来说,Burgher RC板球队伍以其悠久的历史、优秀的成绩和独特的地理位置而闻名于南非和国际板球界。他们的成功不仅提升了开普敦的知名度,也丰富了全球板球爱好者对南非板球的理解和欣赏。对于未来的展望,Burgher RC将继续致力于提高他们的比赛水平和争取更多的冠军头衔。