Abahani Limited

Leagues Played
Dhaka Premier League 14

Abahani Limited cricket team has played List A cricket in the Dhaka Premier League since 2013–14. It has won the title in 2015–16, 2017–18, 2018–19, 2022–23 and 2023–24. In Twenty20 cricket, it also won the 2021 Dhaka Premier Division Twenty20 Cricket League.


Between 1974–75, when the Dhaka Premier League was formed, and 2012–13, Abahani Limited won the competition 17 times. Their victories included the inaugural season of 1974–75 and three instances of three championships in a row.

Since the competition gained List A status in 2013–14, Abahani have continued to be the most successful team, winning five of the nine tournaments. In 2023–24 they became the first team in the League's List A history to win every match in a season.

List A results

  • 2013–14: 4 wins from 10 matches, finished ninth
  • 2014–15: 10 wins from 16 matches, finished fourth
  • 2015–16: 11 wins from 16 matches, champions
  • 2016–17: 12 wins from 16 matches, finished third
  • 2017–18: 12 wins from 16 matches, champions
  • 2018–19: 13 wins from 16 matches, champions
  • 2019–20: Abandoned
  • 2021–22: 9 wins from 15 matches, finished fourth
  • 2022–23: 14 wins from 16 matches, champions
  • 2023–24: 16 wins from 16 matches, champions

Twenty20 results

  • 2018–19: 1 win from 2 matches, second in Group A
  • 2019–20: Not held
  • 2021: 12 wins from 16 matches, champions
Abahani Limited,简称AL,成立于2003年,是印度最成功的板球俱乐部之一。他们以出色的表现,赢得了2021年印度板球锦标赛的冠军,这也是他们自成立以来赢得的第十个联赛冠军。

在印度板球界,Abahani Limited以其创新和领导力而闻名。他们的成功得益于其强大的阵容和精心的运营。他们的阵容包括一些印度最优秀的板球运动员,如Suresh Raina和Murali Vijay等。他们的教练团队由印度最优秀的板球教练组成,如Anil Kumble和Virender Sehwag等。

Abahani Limited的成功也体现在他们的赞助商和合作伙伴关系上。他们与许多知名公司建立了强大的合作伙伴关系,这些公司通过赞助他们的活动来支持印度板球的发展。他们的合作伙伴包括Bharat Petroleum、BPCL和IOC等公司。

作为一个有影响力的板球俱乐部,Abahani Limited致力于在全球范围内推广板球运动。他们通过与国际板球联合会合作,参与国际板球比赛和活动,提高印度板球在国际上的声誉。他们还与一些新兴的板球俱乐部建立合作关系,共同发展亚洲板球运动。

总的来说,Abahani Limited是一个充满活力和潜力的板球俱乐部,他们的成功将激励更多的人参与板球运动,推动印度板球的发展。