Wikipedia - Hammer SpVg

Hammer SpVg is a German association football club from the city of Hamm, North Rhine-Westphalia. It is part of a larger sports club with some 1,500 members in departments for aikido, judo, cheerleading, fitness and dance, gymnastics, handball, roller hockey, volleyball, and water gymnastics.


The club was founded 11 April 1903 as Hammer FC and was joined in July 1912 by the membership of Gymnasialer FC Hamm which had been established 25 February 1903. In 1919, following World War I, the club merged with Hammer Turnverein 1859 to form TuS 1859/1903 Hamm. That union lasted only until 1922, when FC found a new partner in Hammer Sportverein 1904 to create Hammer SpVgg 03/04. The combined side soon began to enjoy some success in play in the regional top flight Rheinisch Westfälischer Spielverband. The club earned a second-place finish in 1929 and a divisional title in 1932.

Generally a lower division local side throughout its history, the club rose as high as third division play with a single season appearance in the Regionalliga West in 1966–67. After competing in the Verbandsliga Westfalen (IV-V) through the late-60s and the 70s Hamm won its way through to the Oberliga Westfalen (IV) in 1980 where they played there as a lower table side until being relegated in 1990. The club made German Cup appearances in 1980–81 and 1982–83, on both occasions advancing to the second round before going out. They returned to fourth division play in 1994 until being sent down in 1999. Hammer SpVg is again competing in the Oberliga Westfalen after emerging out of the Verbandsliga playoffs in 2006.

The club became part of the new NRW-Liga in 2008 but was relegated to the Westfalenliga in 2010. When the Oberliga Westfalen was reformed in 2012 Hammer SpVg became part of this league again.

Hammer SpVgg是一支来自德国的足球队,成立于1921年,目前参加德国足球北部地区联赛(NVL)。球队主场为海德林根体育场,可容纳2000人观看比赛。

在过去的几个赛季中,Hammer SpVgg表现稳定,一直处于联赛前列。球队擅长控球型打法,注重球员之间的配合,进攻端擅长制造杀伤,防守端稳固,是德国足球北部地区联赛中的一支强队。

Hammer SpVgg的队服为红色上衣、白色短裤和红色球袜,队徽为锤子和闪电组成的图案,象征着力量和速度。球队吉祥物是一只名叫“Hammo”的熊,非常受球迷喜爱。

Hammer SpVgg的现任主教练是托马斯·赫尔曼,他是一位经验丰富的教练,曾在多支德甲球队执教。球队核心球员包括中场球员马克·施密茨和前锋球员萨穆埃尔·穆勒等人。

总的来说,Hammer SpVgg是一支充满潜力的足球队,在德国足球联赛中享有很高的声誉。